Flexible Dieting

There are hundreds of diets out there in the world. Most are effective, but seem impossible to sustain for a long period of time. In addition, there are products out there that claim to detox your entire body while magically slimming your waist. Waist slimming belts try to reduce the water content in your midsection, thus squeezing your organs together temporarily. This method is ineffective and completely unsafe. For the most part, there is one caveat that most of these diets share. They are meant for short time uses and in most cases are ineffective long term.

The strongest detox tool your body has to offer is your own liver. So, instead of trying a ketogenic diet where you starve yourself from carbs or decide to eat paleo - thus limiting a lot of food options, why not try a diet where you can eat the foods?   The trick is eating in moderation. This “flexible dieting” technique is backed by science. Flexible dieting is based on macronutrients and calories. Based on your goals, a specific amount of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats will be assigned to you (in grams). These amounts add up to a certain amount of calories as well. As long as you stay within your amounts of macronutrients and calories, you will most certainly achieve your goals.

The reason why this diet is sometimes bashed in the fitness industry is very simple. People abuse it. The key concept to success with this diet is to enjoy foods in moderation. One cannot simply meet their goals by indulging themselves in ice cream and pop tarts everyday. Although you most certainly can fit these foods into your diet some days, and not feel guilty about it at all. Over time, you will see how you can easily manipulate your foods in order to match your activities for the day. For example, if you are you going out to eat later on in the evening, it is possible to save a huge chunk of your macros in order to eat whatever foods you would like with your friends.

So how do I go about starting this magical diet? For starters, there are a lot of free macronutrient calculators on the internet which work such as IIFYM. Fill out the information based on your height, weight, age, activity level, exercise level (awesome feature: it adjusts to your specific exercise regimen), etc. Once you obtain these numbers, I advise you all to check out the app “MyFitnessPal” which retains your information and lets you log all of your foods. The greatest feature on this app is the scanning feature, which allows you to instantly logs all your food information! There is also a search bar for foods already logged by other users, so you don’t have to do all the work. To get a better idea about this diet and lifestyle, check out our video already on YouTube. Feel free to subscribe to stay up to date with our innovative and cutting edge tips.

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